Sunday, March 22, 2009

An Introduction to Management Accounting

For many years it was thought that accounting is just simple book-keeping and maintaning books of accounts which could provide a business no more benefit than the determination of the profitability of the company.
All of this has changed now, as today accounting is being used as a decision-making tool which assists the management of a company in getting the right and timely information for any decision which may have long term implications. Not only that, but today more and more finance professionals are moving up the ladder within organizations and reaching executive positions. Accounting is no more bound by the elementary record-keeping which is so unfairly associated with the subject.
The subject of Management Accounting is the invention of the decision-making necessity within all organizations. It is a form of accounting which focuses on just what I mentioned above that is extracting the relevant information for any particular decision on hand.
This is the field in accountancy which has made the subject a lot more interesting and vibrant. Something which the future accountant must keep in mind while he chooses the specialist field within the broad umbrella of Accounting.

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